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Parenting Tips - Babies Protection





Talking with baby


Before babies can talk they have a lot to learn

• They learn that a word has a meaning. 

• A word is made of sounds. 

• Sounds are made with the mouth.
• The way you hold your mouth, teeth and tongue affect the sounds you make.
• Babies have to put all this together to make a sound someone will understand!


Talking with baby


• Words are our way of telling people what we want and need. The more words your child has, the less need there will be to cry, shout and squeal. It is frustrating not to be able to express feelings.

• Babies usually understand more than they can say.  

• Words help children communicate and share activities with other people. They help us share thoughts and ideas.
• At first babies only understand the tone of your voice and the feeling it gives them. Soon they understand words like 'mum', 'dad', 'hug', 'no!', 'yes'.


You can help your baby learn to talk by: 


• playing sound games; for example say 'Bah!' when your baby says 'Bah!'
• pretending to understand what your baby is trying to say; for example when baby says 'Bah!' you might ask 'Blanket? Do you want your blanket?'

• playing simple games like peek a boo, which babies love, where you cover your face with your hands, then drop them and say 'Boo!'
• touching and naming body parts - 'baby's mouth, mummy's mouth', 'baby's nose', mummy's nose'

• using baby's name in all kinds of activities 

• talking about what you are doing with and for your baby 

• having 'conversations' where you take turns to make sounds 

• singing songs and saying nursery rhymes. 







• Babies learn to understand their world by playing. When babies play they explore and discover what's around them and what they can do. 

• Babies play by looking, touching, tasting, smelling and hearing everything that goes on around them. 




• Make sure your baby can't reach things that are dangerous. Babies, at the stage of grasping and holding objects, try to put everything into their mouths. Don't worry, this is normal - they learn through taste and touch. Give your baby safe, large things they can taste and chew but not swallow. Clean toys regularly. 

• Playing with babies is a fun part of being a parent. 

• When older babies crawl they need plenty of space so they don't knock into things. You'll need to keep an eye on them because they can move quickly. 

• A lot of time is spent each day nappy changing, bathing and feeding. Make these everyday tasks fun by playing, talking and singing to your baby while you do them. 

• Parents are the best playmates babies have! Babies will play if they feel safe and are given encouragement.







Protecting the Child from Injuries


1. Parents should keep an eye on the child's activities and also have knowledge about the mechanism of all the toys with which it plays . 

2. The interior decoration of the house should be done in such a way that the child does have any difficulty to move around freely. 



3. All the belongings of the child specially its toys should be kept within his reach so that it does not have to climb or make any kind of special efforts to get it which further might cause any injury to the child. 

4. All the furniture should have rounded corners and edges. 

5. Children should not be allowed to go on roads all alone unless or until the parents are quite sure that they will be able to save themselves from the rashly driven vehicles. 

6. They should be kept away from the fire and also precaution should be taken while handling electronics/electrical goods. 

7. However , while protecting a child from all the above mentioned dangers the parents should always bear in mind not to be over cautious and over protective towards the child which in the long run, proves to be harmful for the child as over protection makes a child very much dependent and prevents him from being adventurous.


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