Parenting Tips | |||||
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Babies | |||||
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Child development | |||||
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Babies | |||||
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Health & nutrition | |||||
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4. Children under three have special feeding needs . They need to eat 5 to 6 times a day and their food should be specially enriched by adding mashed vegetables and small amounts of fats or oils. | |||||
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6. Immunization protects against several diseases which can cause poor growth , disability , and death .All immunization should be completed in the first year of the child's life and a booster given at one and half years . Every woman of child bearing age should be immunized against tetanus . | |||||
8. Many illness are caused because germs enter the mouth . This can be prevented by using proper latrines ; by washing hands with soap and water after using the latrine and before handling food ; by keeping food and water clean ; and by boiling drinking water if it is not from a safe piped supply. | |||||
10. Children from birth to three years should be weighed regularly every month for the first year and at least every alternate month thereafter . If there is no gain in weight for two months , something is wrong . | |||||
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Nutrition | |||||
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1. Start breast feeding within one hour of delivery . Colostrums ( Mother's first milk , light yellowish thick fluid ) is rich in protein , vitamin "A" and has anti -infective properties . It is the infant first immunization. | |||||
2. Feed exclusively mother's milk for the first four to six months of life. No need of any supplement or fluids (not even water) during this period. | |||||
3. Start feeding semi-solids , preferably home made after 4-6 months. Continue breast feeding . | |||||
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4. Continue breast feeding well into the second year . | |||||
5. Give food 5-6 times a day to young children . | |||||
6. Give more of pulses , groundnuts , milk and milk products in the daily diet of children. | |||||
7. Include a variety of food stuffs in daily diet , as a mixed diet is more nutritious. | |||||
11. Maintain personal hygiene. | |||||
12. When your child has Diarrhoea or vomiting , give him/her extra water in the form of ORS , cooked pulse water , thick soup etc. | |||||
13. Women must take extra food to meet the additional requirement during pregnancy and lactation. | |||||
14. Consume green leafy vegetables daily in one or other form. | |||||
16. Use whole wheat flour (unsieved) for preparing chapaties puris etc. | |||||
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