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Concept and Process of Revivalism ණ... Chao Nagen Hazarika

Concept and Process of Revivalism ණ... Chao Nagen Hazarika Ru-lai : 1. Acculturation -- is the transmission of culture from one generation to the n


 Concept and Process of Revivalism ණ... Chao Nagen Hazarika

Ru-lai :

1. Acculturation -- is the transmission of culture from one generation to the next. 2. Clan -- is an extended network of relatives. Clan system -- is a form of social stratification in which individuals receive their social standing through belonging to an extended network of relatives. 3. Cultural Diffusion -- is the spread of cultural characteristics from one group to another. 4. Institutionalized Religion -- is the formal, highly structured organization, creeds, practices, and rules of conduct intended to assure doctrinal purity and aid believers in their efforts to live by particular faith. 5. Material Culture -- is the material objects that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, clothing, jewelry, and the likes. 6. Rituals -- are ceremonies or repetitive practices; in this context, religious observances or rites, often intended to evoke awe for the sacred. 7. Anti-oppressive Practice (AOP) -- is an approach to practice which argues that a person's environment shapes his/her individual experience and can be the source of significant problems. The goal of anti-oppressive practice is to acknowledge the existence of oppression of all forms and the complex nature of our identities. This knowledge can be used to overcome oppressive relationships at the individual and institutional or societal level, and broadly contribute to social justice. 8. Empowerment -- is the sense that people can create and take action on their own behalf to meet their physical, spiritual, and psychological needs; usually applied to the act of empowering marginalized groups, but can also be an issue in direct practice with individuals. Power can be a personal state of mind, in the sense that one feels one can make a difference and have control and influence over one's own life. It can also be empowerment within an organization in the sense that one has tangible influence and legal rights. Empowerment, then, involves both a personal perception of being in control and tangible elements of power within the various social structures of society.

'THINKING's used in REVIVALISM :  Red Hat Thinking -- is thinking based on emotion and feeling rather than reason and logic. 2. Yellow Hat Thinking -- is positive thinking. 3. Green Hat Thinking -- is creative thinking. 4. Black Hat Thinking --  is critical thinking that looks at flaws in or problems with a particular course of action. 5. Blue Hat Thinking --  is thinking that focuses on process rather than on content. 6. White Head Thinking -- is traditional logical thinking based on information that is known, available, or potentially discoverable. 7. Either/Or Thinking -- is the assuming that only one of the two conflicting notions can be correct 8. Both/And Thinking -- is assuming that there are many possible solutions to a problem, not just one. 9. Divergent Thinking -- is a type of thinking that starts from a single point or issue and expands outward, encompassing a wide range of solutions. 10. Convergent Thinking -- is a type of thinking that uses logical, rational processes and focuses on a specific goal, solution, or a way of doing of things.11. Zero-sum Thinking -- is the belief that the world has finite assets for which its inhabitants must contend on a win-lose basis; the basis of a competitive approach to conflict. 12. Thinking Outside the Box -- is thinking in one's own system, method, process, strategy, previous assumptions in order to meet  requirements in peculiar situations for helping people  without regard for traditions, norms, rules and established conventions. This is 'thinking outside box.


 The sun might be shining outside, yet we might not be feeling bright on the inside. Sometimes we feel down in the dumps and are unsure of what is causing the gloominess. These feelings can often been attributed to a poor diet, bad sleep and an unwelcoming atmosphere. In order to combat this and to improve our mood some organizations of the world in general, and the CHFA (Canadian Health Food Association) has some recommendations that can be easily implemented into any life style of ours irrespective of our geographical locations. 1. Getting Some Quality Z's -- Many of us overlook the benefits that sleep brings when it is regular, consistent and sufficient. Lack of sleep or even just poor sleep quality -- can negatively affect many facets of our lives, from work productivity to personal relationships, to our overall mood. At its worst, sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, depression and other illness. If we are having trouble falling asleep because of jet lag, a sporadic work schedule, or from being exposed to the bright, blue light of our computer screen or smartphone at night, we should try taking a melatonin supplement. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates our sleep patterns. A supplement can help us get to sleep and improve our quality of rest. <> 2. Change the Ambiance with Essential Oils --  Scent has powerful effect on our emotions and can affect how we perceive other people and our experiences. Similar to how scent can make or break a great meal, being surrounded by calming scents in our day-to-day life can improve our physical and emotional state. Aromatherapy goes hand-in-hand with improving our quality of sleep. furthermore, there are many applications for different scents. Finding one we enjoy and surrounding us with, it can make us feel calm, and lower our stress and anxiety levels. Some essential oils commonly used for their healing properties are sesame oil, lavender, chamomile and sandal-wood. When looking for essential oils, we should choose those that are natural and made without synthetic chemicals. 3. A Healthy Gut Makes a Happy Person -- When we think about heading to the junk food aisle, we should keep walking and check out some healthier alternatives instead. Although indulging our cravings may seem like a a good idea at the time, making a habit out of junk foods can have negative effects on not only our body, but on our mind as well. Food that are high in complex carbohydrates and lean protein not only provide more energy for our body so we can stay active, but they have been found to increase the levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter that is thought to be a major factor in feelings of well-being and happiness.  Other nutrients that can help improve moods are magnesium and vitamin D. Magnesium helps to regulate stress, and vitamin D keeps immune system in check. If we are having trouble getting enough of these nutrients from our diet, we should consider supplementation, and consult health care practitioner to find out what options are best for us .

REVIVALISM and Self-care TIPS —

  In this day and age when most people have very busy lives, it can be hard to take care or ourselves. But it is important to find even a few moments here and there where you can do something good for yourself.Please see what works for you, and leave the rest.  1. Take time for yourself -- having time ans space to ourselves can help us feel refreshed. Even finding just five minutes you can close your eyes and focus on yourself can help you better. But if you can set aside a larger chunk of time where you only focus on yourself and what you need to do, that is even better. 2. Do something nice for your body -- It is easy to ignore our body's aches and pains, or to forget to take care of ourselves. But we live in our bodies. Take a comfortable bath and then stretch. 3. Find some comfort -- We all need comfort sometimes, and it is good to recognize when we try to get what we need. Write something on your race, eat a particular health food like nu-hu, nu-kai, pla (whatever food makes you feel good), or find a smell that brings you particular comfort (some common smells are flowers, cinnamon, tea flavour, sesame oil, and so on).4. Transport yourself into another world --We all need break sometimes from the realities of the world. You can curl up with a good book specially on your race, movie, or magazine, or just let your mind drift where it wants to go. 5. Be playful or silly -- Being playful and silly can bring out the child in us, and help us feel more light-hearted. You can blow some soap bubbles, throw confetti around, make cakes, blow a 'blok-sing-pha' puff and make a wish, watch the clouds and make up ideas of what they look like, go to a river bank and try to see fishes, go to a forest fringe and sing, hug a dog, and so on. 6. Take a mental health day -- When you need to really take care of yourself and you are fed up with work, take a day off if you can spare and then do whatever your heart wants to. Make the day all about things you want to do. A 'mental health day' can help more than a week. 7. Take a walk in nature -- Sometimes we forget to notice the world around us. Reconnecting with nature can help us feel more grounded and calm. You can go for a walk in nature's space, a park,look at and feel the trees, really notice the sky, and breathe. 8. Do something you have wanting for a long time -- Is there something you keep putting off when you have more time, or for a better time? Why not do it now? Rong-boi-boi.

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