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What are some key cultural aspects of the Tai Ahom community?


What are some key cultural aspects of the Tai Ahom community? 

The Tai Ahom community has a rich cultural heritage that has significantly influenced the socio-cultural practices of Assam. Here are some key cultural aspects:

Festivals and Rituals: The Tai Ahoms celebrate various traditional festivals and rituals, such as DAM-PHI, BAN-PHI, Me-Dam-Me-Phi, which is a festival to honor ancestors and a festival related to agriculture.

Religious Beliefs: The Tai Ahoms originally followed Taoism, but over time, they adopted many Hindu rites and beliefs, as well as Vaishnavite customs and rituals.

Language and Script: The Tai Ahoms have their own language and script, which they brought with them from Upper Burma.

Traditional Food: Traditional Tai Ahom cuisine includes dishes like Amroli-tup (a species of reddish-brown ant fried with duck egg) and pork, as well as Luk-lao or rice beer.

Social and Political System: The Tai Ahoms had a specific system of social, political, and economic traditions that were different from those of the local populace.

These cultural aspects have helped the Tai Ahom community maintain their unique identity while also contributing to the cultural diversity of Assam


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